Spawn Camper

What is Spawn Camper?


In online games, and in FPSs especially, somebody hangs around near an enemy spawnpoint and kills players as soon as they appear, rendering them lame.

Spawn camping is not to be confused with normal camping, which is a legitimate tactic, unless you are camping right on top of a powerful or lame weapon spawn point, in which case it is not a legitimate tactic and is called 'whoring'.

I keep getting killed by that fucking spawn camper.


An online FPS (first person shooter) player who positions himself in a way to immediately 'kill' a player who has just (re)entered the game.

An online FPS (first person shooter) player who positions himself in a way that prevents a player from leaving his beginning (spawn) area without 'dying'.

Joey-From-The-Block is a spawn camper.


a cheap ass player...aka n00b

"Spawn camping shows that u dunno how to play at all"

See Dirge


One, who in any online multi-player game, rests in his spawning area.

Derf=funbags' team mates proceeded to the bridge to battle the CTs. While Derf=funbags remained at T spawn and waited for the CTs.


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