
What is Spazmo?


One Who Displays Characteristics Of A Person Suffering From Down Syndrome. Seeming To Think Irationally

You Fucking Spazmo

See Hairy Dave


Meaning Gimp, Retard, Toolbag. usually said to someone who you dislike when they say/do somthing completly idiotic.

Of course its cold in an ice rink you fuckin spazmo.

Seiriously your girlfriend is a bog beast and she is shite at blowjobs you spazmo.

See gimp, retard, dickhead, donk, moron


Adj;Noun; used when trying to insult your mother. Whether she is around or not.

"Sorry I couldn't call you last night. That spazmo wouldn't let me be on the phone!?"

See spaz, spazmo, insult, mom, trying


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