
What is Spirit?


(1) An alcoholic beverage, especially distilled liquor.

(2) An alcohol solution of an essential or volatile substance. Often used in the plural with a singular verb.

So I called up the Captain,

"Please bring me my wine"

He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine"

See Midnight


Some thing of superstitions that is the essence of a dead person, in general a ghostlike thing that likes to screw u over if you do something wrong.

Spirits hate me... and i can't report em to the police.


a ghost which has drunk too much vodka

random guy: can you see that ghost puking?

random guy 2: yeah, he's had too much spirit

See vodka, ghost, random, drunk


A Mars rover sent by NASA to Mars in 2003, landing in Gusev Crater. Designed to search for evidence of water.

"Spirit is just fine, it's not dead."


something that cheerleaders have WAY to much of and the thing all the jocks at school pretend they have.. the whole purpose of things like "school spirit day" a waste of time

fuck the game i have no school sprit

See strawberry


One of the best movies ever!

The only good horse, is a happy horse.


piece of crap car that has a major problem twice weekly circa 1990

Goddamn the spirit!

See Lee


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