
What is Sports?


America's state-sponsored religion.

On Sunday we pray sports.

See spots, football, basketball, baseball, hockey, nascar


A way to test your athletic ability against others. They're also fun to watch.

Football, basketball, baseball, hockey, etc.


Something that fat women use to get with guys out of their league.

Tom: Dude, why is that fat chick at the bar pretending to watch game 6 of the Pistons Lakers series.

Bill: Oh, she is fat, and needs an angle to attract men.

Tom: Gotcha

See LD


A barbaric holdover from caveman survival/ war games. In modernity, it contributes to chauvanism, violence, and heartache in public school gyms.

"Yo, Gino, check out this fag who can't play no football."


A momentary diversion on the way to the grave. And frankly, it's not a very interesting one.

I can't be bothered to be intelligent, so I'll just chase a ball around and jump on other men! I'll call it sports! And if anyone doesn't like it, I'll throw dumbass insults at them. Brilliant!


home of the overpaid dumbasses who flunked most of their school classes except pe.

Look its johhny the biggest fool in school who doesnt know anything. But that doesnt stop him from competing with people who make a REAL difference in the world by making millions of dollars a year just for running around and throwing a stupid ball.


Consists of Football, Basketball, Baseball etcetera.

A favorite among ignorant rednecks and niggers who flunked in school.

Sports are a waste of time. They distract people from real world issues. We shouldn't be rewarding athletes in school who go on to achieve nothing. We should be rewarding the actually intelligent students; who have the potential to become the next Bill Gates. It's no wonder that our society is becoming increasingly unintelligent.

See society, sports, generic, waste of time


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