
What is Spraff?


To carry on talking about an unnecessary topic for a leangthened space of time


A spraff is a deragotory term for someone who talks to someone just for one thing, usually money or some form of drug.

Oh, look here's John the spraff, i bet he's here spraffing for dope again.

See dope, spraf, money


Noise made when a lemon impacts an eye socket at high velocity.

As he looked up, a yello citrus fruit smashed him in the eye with a huge


See Neville


verb -

To speak in extended monologues that have a potential to bore or irritate, displaying scant regard for facts.

Steve was a great guy, but he had definite tendency to spraff shit on a variety of subjects about which he knew little.

See spraff, spraffing, fundle, crunt, bore


to chatter inanely

we were all loved up on MDMA and had a good spraff


(Scottish)to lie about something or make something up.

statement:"I'm a millionaire, Ive been to the moon"


See lie, spraf, make up, lying


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