
What is Sprang?


he sprang my gold chain


steal , take without owner knowing


A sprang is the skin between your Vag and ur asshole!

Simone ur sprang is showing! put it away!:)

See shlam, ear, cake, legs, sexy


Is NOT a sprain. It's better. Instead of spraining your foot and not being able to do a sport; you can tell your coach. Oh no it's just a sprang. It's all right. But in truth. It's throbbing, but you still want to play.

Bob- Hey coach! I only have this ace bandage on my foot because i spranged it. It's cool for me to play in the game tonight.

Coach- Really? Are you sure it's not a sprain?

Bob- Dude, it's a sprang, I'm playing!

See injury, twist


1) Process of getting something.

2) To take something out.

I just sprang out my gat, and pop that nigga.

I sprang out my penis, and made her suck it.

Shes so hot, i sprang a woody.

See whip it out, pop, whip, get


Imaginary noise made when 2 objects collide.

"Did you see that car-crash last night?....SPRANG!"


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