
What is Sprat?


to bone.

i spratted your mum last night.

See dan


A feeling of higher than average contentment usually caused by but not limited to a recent sexual encounter.

I lit up a Marlboro after feeling sprat as hell on my way to my car from that bitch's apartment.

See juiced, satisfied, elated, buzzed


1) A girl that sleeps around.

2) A girl that is annoying, complains, and is mean.

3) An all around unpleasant individual.

She is such a sprat.

Tell that sprat to shut up.

See bitch, slut, skank, ho, whore, cunt, loose, dumb, tramp, annoying, mean


A butthole; An anus that spits out poop

Hey you damn sprat quit being a sprat.

guy 1 "I did her last night"

guy 2 "really? thats cool where did ya'll do it at?"

guy 1 "right in her sprat"

guy 2 "no i mean what location"

guy 1 "the sprat"

guy 2 "you're an idiot"

guy 1 "you're a sprat"

See butthole, asshat, anus, asshole, poop chute, turd cutter, shitter, dookie shoot


Sprat meens to short change someone

Spraty is sumone hu duz it all da time

1) Arrr e sprat me innit doh

2) Dnt sprat me i wnt all me chnge bak lyk

See pennies, shrapnel


When you have bad diarrhea.

I had bad diarrhea and it sprat all over the back of the toilet bowl.

See crap, toilet, spray, water, diarrhea


runny poopy

also the act of releasing runny poopy

I'd rather sprat in my pants than have to cop a squat in the bushes here. Who knows what critters will try to crawl up my poop tube.


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