
What is Ssh?


*NIX and *BSD program standing for "Secure SHell" which has many different commercial implementations along with an open-source implementation called OpenSSH.

It is used to remotely login to a computer running SSHDSecure SHell Daemon using a username a password and then execute commands on the remote machine. Works nicely when you have your parents running Gentoo Linux like I do. =^_-=


ssh user@host


It is also the abreviation for the japanese metal band Saitama Saishuu Heiki, which makes arrangements of videogame music and some original compositions.

Yay! i heard holy orders arrangement from SSH!

See ssh, metal, videogame


Abbreviation for Super Silver Haze, a potent strain of marijuana. Best smoked out of a bong, if you ask me.

SSH x Trainwreck + Bong = Ripped for hours

See ssh, trainwreck, medical, marijuana, medical marijuana


Also an abbreviation for a decription of a person that is a Super Slutty Hore.

"Stay the hell away from that chic , she's an SSH"

See super, slut, slutty, whore, hore


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