
What is Stacie?


So fuckin hott that you don't even want to call her Stacie...instead you call her Stacilicious!

Damn Stacie is so fine!

I know I wanna hit that Stacilicious ass!

See stacie, sexii, sexy, hot, licious


1.girl who thinks that her record player walks across the room aka the effects of extacy...

2.names all inanimate objects

Stacie: Jane is moving.

Josh: what?!

Stacie: My record player is walking across the room.

Josh: Are you drugged?

Stacie: It was just a few small white pills.

See extacy, jane, stacie, stacy, record player


1. "my eyes are tired but im not."

2. fucked up eyebrows

stacie: my eyes are tired

other person: then go to sleep

stacie: but im not tired. my eyes are!

See tired, stacey, weird, eyebrows


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