
What is Stalker?


It seems to be that the term 'stalker' no longer means what it used to mean--the pathological ANONYMOUS follower and tab-keeper of another person or persons (A detective who has not been hired and has no real reason to follow someone). The old definition also would say that a 'stalker' often has an imaginary connection with the stalkee.

HOWEVER, common usage of the term, along with the term 'creepy', has come to be used as a defense mechanism for anyone seeking justification for not being attracted socially or physically to someone else.

This term is nearly as overdiagnosed as ADHD is in children. Any women who think an undesirable man might be interested in her will almost always automatically label him a stalker.

Note: Far too many idiots think they're more important than they really are. Real stalkers seek out beautiful, interesting, and often famous members of the attractive gender. 90 percent of the people who use the term couldn't get a real stalker to save their lives.

A hot girl who follows you around and shows up at your door is a friend.

An ugly girl who follows you around and shows up at your door is now, according to most, a stalker.

A hot guy who gives you flowers is a romantic.

An ugly guy who gives you flowers is a stalker.

See creepy, annoying, tag-along, clingy


a person obsessed with another to the point of insanity. I.E. following one everywhere, calling constantly, not following restraining orders, collecting their hair in shower drains

he is stalking you.


a creepy guy who knows what youre doing at all times and when he dosent hes trying to know. Someone who harrasses, annoys, provokes because of self contempt and jealousy. Is known for doing anything to get a reaction. Will go to any length because hes so f'in sad and has no life whatsoever. Bruised ego loser.

vitale was such a stalker, he even followed them online.

See stalker, nut, mental, gay, queer, loser, retard


Someone that is obsessed with a person. Watching and noticing every part and piece on your body. A person that craves attention so they stalk you because they want the same attention. A person with great interest and finds everything about you remarkable yet have no idea who you are.

Bob(the stalker):Hi Kelly

Kelly: Who is this person


One who exhibits a sick unhealthy insane obsession with an ex friend who rejected him. This obession can lead to various results. Such as following, bugging, writing definitions on Urban Dictionary, calling and getting me to try to harrass other people. When friend's feeling by said girl is not returned nutter in question starts exhibiting dangerous psychotic behaviors that can last for years.

My friend Vitale is obsessed with this girl. He should be put away in the mental ward for the rest of his life. He's such a stalker.

See lunatic, stalker, delusional, abnormal, insane, disease


stalker: selective walker

girl 1: so i followed him home.

girl 2: what? you're now a stalker?

girl 1: hey, that's just where i walk.. it's not my fault i was simultanously following him.

See stalking, creepy, clingy, hopeless romantic


Can refer to an individual in a group of people that stalk, known as gang stalking, or mob stalking, or mulitistalking. They use hidden/covert moving vehicular and foot surveillance techniques, and their aim is to harass, maim, and sommetimes even kill, by any method they can think of, including vehicular, poisoning, electronic "soft-kill" weapons, or more traditional methods. Most often, they like to falsely blame the victim ,for recognizing the stalking problem, as being imaginary or chemerical thinking, or a mental illness, such as paranoid and schizophrenia. Criminal doctors "chime in" and knowingly give a false diagnosis to help influential wealthy criminals cover-up what they doing. People who are leaders in these groups have access to voice-to-skull technology, and weapons that use the electromagnetic spectrum frequencies/beams that shoot invisible strong electricity, microwave, and other harmful and sometimes lethal radio frequencies. People who are in these groups, which cover entire states and the entire USA and other industrilized countries, as well as some other countries, are from all backgrounds and vocations, and ages. It is linked to the deep pockets of the illicit drug trade, and The New Wolrd Order, which the elder President Bush introduced in a speech in the early 1990's, and that movement of the criminal elite continues today. Simply, if a person doesn't believe in aggression to overtake resources, including hurting innocent people, then the NWO network figures you don't meet their profile and standards, and you may find yourself being a target. In short, they like to sabottage innocent people's jobs, friendships, and health, usually over a period of time to cover their tracks using various methods, as described above, plus many more, to make everything look like just and "accident" or the bad breaks of life.

Tim was a rising star in electrical engineering, until the NWO criminals and their network began stalking him, and ruined his life.

See, mindjustice, and multistalkersforum, and eharassment, and Eleanor White's web site.

See stalking, gang stalking, Twin Towers


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