What is Stan Marsh?
Main character on South Park. Stan is the man. He lives with his mom Sharon, dad Randy, mean abusive sister Shelly, and gay dog Sparky. Has black hair (which he mostly keeps covered by his blue/red fluffball hat) blue eyes, is of the black Irish decent. His best friend is
Jeremy: Stan kicks ass
Girl on the phone: YEAH!
Character on South Park. Also known as Stan Darsh.
Stan Marsh? More like Stan Darsh! Darrrrrsh!
Oh, Darsh, you want a rematch? You're even stupider than I thought! Darrrrrrrrrrsh!
Stan Marsh is one of the four main characters in Southpark. Other three are
Stan Marsh represents the average kid in America since he always gets pressured into situations that spin out of control(Episode
He basically says what everyday Americans are thinking in contraversial episodes thus he always ends up making up the moral at the end of the episode.
Randy: Stan listen to me. I don't want you to feel like you have to do that competition to avenge me.
Stan Marsh: Ok. Good.
Randy: I know i can't stop you from doing it so all i can say is... Give them Hell Son... Give them Hell.
Stan: God Damnit!