
What is Steesh?


A thick, fluffy mustache

Burt Reynolds has a wicked steesh.

See mustache, stache, push broom, cookie duster


A variation of the word "stache", used to define a incredibly nice mustache.

(pl) - Steeshes

I was eating some cookies the other day and got some crumbs caught in my steesh.

(PL) - You know you are watching a good 80's porn by the quality of the steeshes.

See steesh, mustache, stache, cookie duster


Scottish word meaning something amazing classshit hot

Joe " Like ma new motor"

Pete "its a Steesh mate"

See steesh, steesher


Just another word for plain old cocaine.

Hey Ray Ray let's got get some steesh and bang up them rails.

See cocaine, tony, white, rails


A fine looking woman. A smokin hot chick. Other forms include "steesha" and "Steeeeesh"

A gorgeous woman walks by and you say, Steesh!

See hot chick, choobie, gorgeous


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