What is Stickies?
Slang for plasma grenades in the Halo video games, particularly Halo 2 on xbox live. This term was adopted by the live community because the grenades stick to enemies.
Blue Spartan 1: "Ha I stuck him from across the map"
Blue Spartan 2: "Nice, love stickies"
Red Spartan 1: *explodes
ok stickies r wut the plasma grenades r called if u have played xbox(live) for more than an hr....everyone calls them this, simply because in a battle saying plas-ma gren-ade....takes way too long, too many syllables...its much easier doing the stick-ies....way better.....they r by far the most entertaining, and effcient(besides sniping) way to kill opponents(or teammates)
other associated words
blue1:i just stuck a red guy!
red1:{runs around like a chicken with its head cut off} I JUST GOT STUCK!!{large beautiful blue explosion of doom}
blue1:i do love stickies