What is Straight Outta Compton?


Easily the greatest rap song ever recorded

Straight outta Compton!

Crazy motherfucker named Ice Cube...

See nwa, ice cube, eazy-e


The best rap album of all time by NWA. The epitome of Old School Hip Hop.

Whenever I listen to Straight Outta Compton, I cry because I remember better days.

See defiler


aka the porch monkey - is an acholic beverage that consists of a minimum of 7 different liquors and of course a swill of beer. The stronger the liquor and the more variety you use the better and of course the skunkier the beer the better. You must drink it in big gulps and snicker it around a bit. When you wake up two days later, your heads on some randoms persons ass with your wallet missing and your pants wet

I took a sip of the straight outta compton from my devils cup, and I havent been the same since.

See liquor, party, beer, tar baby, sos, shark, snicker, zackadabare, new years


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