
What is Stro?


Originated from Nefstro, the original stro. Stro refers to anything that involves a gangsta lifestyle and doing shitty things; although stro is subject to many different adaptations in its definition. It can also be added to the end of people's names to infer that they are a stro themselves.

Streaks shit his pants therefore we sometimes call him Streakstro. Yo Chief! Quit being a fucking stro!

Dude, toss me that stro.


Any hi class rickshaw driver from central jersey who can shred on the monkey bars. A stro's enemies typically consist of malnourished cave dwelling kangaroos from Parsippany, New Jersey. When wild, a stro is usually a grass grazer but they've been known to kill their masters and survive off their thumb nails, when bread in captivity.

Ah shit, look at that stro with thumb nail blood all over his mouf.

Stro, watch out for dem kangaroos.

See orts


a gorgeous bitch who loves to fuck all the time

Stro is a stromosexual.

See stromo, your mom, your face


1. Usually overweight, a common friend of the average jew. As time goes on the friendship widens to penis to butt relations. The stro is usually the man in these relations and is possibly the only breathing or non-breathing source to get a penny out of the jew.

2. A fake Austrailian from Pittsburgh.

1. a. When I went to that jewish kid's bar mitzvah, I walked in on him and his Stro in the restroom. I proceeded to throw up for a good hour and then hung myself.

b. Stro owed the local bookies a shit load of money so he seduced my friend with his fake Australlian accent to whore him out of all his money. Not only did his plan work but the Stro now owns a new corvet.

2. Did you know that our new neighbors aren't actually Austrailian, they're really from Pittsburgh. I can see myself with their blood all over myself in the near future because those damned Stros lied to me.

See stro, whore, hang, slaughter, no, mercy, death, jew, pittsburgh, anal


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