Stunt Man

What is Stunt Man?


It is a drinking stunt, preferably with the supplies of salt, lime and tequila.

First you sniff a line of salt

then squeeze lime juice in your eye

and last take one or two shots of tequila

Ricky: Hey did you see AJ do the stunt man?

Jeff: Ya, the crazy bastard was crying and bleeding out of his nose for half an hour

See tequila, salt, lime, shot, drinking, alcohol


Singular. Stunt Crew - Plural. A pretty beast dude cheerleader who is part of the cheerleading squad. They do wicked awesome stunts like toss to hands and tumbling. They also assist the other cheerleaders with the stunts by backing or sidebasing stunts like libs, basket tosses, and assist with cradles.

Dude, look at that dude cheerleader, he must be part of the stunt crew!

Did you see that awesome tumbling pass that stunt man did? Dang, i wish i could do that! I guess it is true: if cheerleading was easy, it would be called football!

See stunt crew, stunt man, stuntman, cheerleader, cheer


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