
What is Subzero20?


a gay piece of shit who thinks he knows everything

See quazy qual


1. A horrendus misspelling of subzero2o.

2. A qual-esque typo.

qual: dude subzero20 sucks

Pete: Oh the sweet bleeding irony.


subzero2o: extremly nice person with a great sense of humour.

subzero20 (urban dictionary lamer seen here): An idiot and a coward, who obviously insulted me through the shenmoo definition, using urban dictionary as a MESSAGE BOARD.

If you ever see any sexist and/or homophobic insult definition that looks like it was made by a 12 year old who hates life with a name like "subzero20, the guy in ur moms bed, the guy FORM last night" it should be discarded, because its guarenteed to be an ignorant and flaming defintion (most of the time)

probably quazy qual, a coward that doesnt use his own name or alias that people know him by, because he fears their reaction.


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