Sucrose Overdose

What is Sucrose Overdose?


To experience a sugar high.

You're on a sucrose overdose if you start to ramble incoherently, merge separate and disjointed words or phrases together and make occasional twitching motions.

Children are most often subject to this condition, occuring around birthday parties, halloween and whenever adults happen to leave the pantry open for extended periods of time.

"Don't let little Johnny eat too many of those cookies, or he'll be on a sucrose overdose all afternoon."

"Man, I sucrose overdosed on all those M&Ms last night!"

"I haven't eaten chocolate in a month because of this stupid diet. I believe it's high time for a sucrose overdose!"

See sugar high, sugar, high, wack, drug, kids, children, birthday, party, parties, lollies, candy


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