
What is Suffering?


Sometimes stems from hate, usually stems from natural causes.

For many people or one person to be have pain caused unto him

Loads of people are starving, it r sad. If only governments decided it is a good idea to not let food rot in granaries to increase it's cost and improve their ability to extort the populace.

See waffle


The third ring of marriage.

first ring is the engagement-ring,

second ring is the wedding-ring ,

and the third we married men know is the suffering

See bliss, marriage


Going to a small college town in Appalachia that provides the worst in services. It is not limited to bad and expensive restaurants, watered down and overpriced alcoholic beverages, mean mountain people, hippies clueless about life, highway signs with ugly eyesoaring fonts made by the town, terrible town & university roads with potholes, un-marked speed humps and a very non-progressive town government.

Suffering Boone, North Carolina eating Ramun Noodles and Corn Syrup SYSCO products provided by ASU

See boone, suffering, corn syrup


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