Suicide Club

What is Suicide Club?


Also known as Suicide Circle, Suicide Club is about a team of police officers trying to find the cause of massive suicides happening randomly in japan.

one of the best movies to have come out of Japan withen the last 6 years.

Teen 1 "Lets make a suicide club."

Teen 2 "ok, let's commit suicide right now!"

Teen 1 "ok! Everyone, come commit suicide with us!"

150 teens jump from the top of a school building.

See suicide, movie, japanese


A movie where these kids all decide to kill themselves by jumping in front of trains,chopping off hands...etc its a

Really good movie, but kinda funny in a sick twisted way.So go watch it!

pie is cool!

Person 1:Oh my god did you see suicide club!

Person2:Yea lets start one!

Person1:totally,but if we all die won't that be the end of the club

See club, suicide, death, japan, gore


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