What is Suicune?
Also has no weak, but this rumor was proven false numerous times.
<cursed_snorlax> CALM MIND SUICUNE HAS NO WEAK!!
1.) Surf/Roar/Rest/CalmMind
Also has no weak, but this rumor was proven false numerous times.
2.) Surf/SleepTalk/Rest/CalmMind
Crocune, one of the newer Suicune movesets as the result of the Sleep Talk Move Tutor from Emerald.
1.) <cursed_snorlax> CALM MIND SUICUNE HAS NO WEAK!!
2.) Suicune is like Jesus. Even with all the counters listed, Suicune will eventually wear them out of PP. It's important to have a decent offense to kill Suicune on Rests.
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