What is Super Bowl?
The only show that makes me eager to watch the commercials.
Did you see the Reno 911 trailer during the Super Bowl? That movie's gonna rock!!
that thing that patriots lost
the patriots went 18 and 0...and then lost the super bowl...to the GIANTS
Name for the biggest professional sporting venue, the National Football League (NFL). The Super Bowl debuted in 1966. Since then it has become the biggest event in all of sports. With the number of spectators in attendance, the amount of revenue created through t.v. ads/commercials, high profile celebrity attendance, and t.v. ratings that surpass any other sporting championship ratings.
Coach Vince Lombardi won the first Super Bowl, coaching the Green Bay Packers. The Pittsburgh Steelers won the latest Super Bowl in Super Bowl XL (40) in 2006.
the long anticipated bong hit after a long day
Dude, today sucked. When I get home I'm having a super bowl.
11 minutes of action squeezed into 3 hours.
Super bowl is like a boring boxing match with a big knock out punch
A gigantic helping of breakfast cereal, typically from 4-9 oz. Topped off with lots of whole milk.
"Damn man, I am sooooooooooo full right now. I had a Super Bowl for breakfast!"
"What was it dude?"
"Lucky fucking Charms."
In terms of weed it's a bowl that holds at least a nickel, but preferably a dime. If smoked to the head it will be the best bowl pack of your life. Should be used with caution
Person 1:Yo wanna pack the super bowl and watch half baked?
Person 2:Hell yeah yo