
What is Superbitch?


When a girl becomes the extreme version of a bitch and a half, throwing random tantrums and cussing people out for no particular reason.

She can go from extremely angry to extremely depressed in minutes.

Usually around that certain time of the month.

Kate: Monica, I hate you and I hope you get hit by a bus! You're an asshole! Why are you so mean to me?

Monica:WTF. All I said was 'hi'... Damn Kate, you're such Superbitch.

See bitch-cakes, biznatch, bitch and a half, bitch's bitch


When a girl becomes the extreme version of a bitch and a half, throwing random tantrums and cussing people out for no particular reason.

She can go from extremely angry to extremely depressed in minutes.

Usually around that certain time of the month.

Kate: Monica, I hate you and I hope you get hit by a bus! You're an asshole! Why are you so mean to me?

Monica:WTF. All I said was 'hi'... Damn Kate, you're such a Superbitch.

See bitch-cakes, biznatch, bitch and a half, bitch's bitch


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