What is Supercalafragalisticespialadoshis?


A "random" phrase used commonly in awkward silences. Taken from an annoying Mary Poppins song.

Person #1: I'm bored......

Person #2: Yeah......

Person #1: Entertain me!

Person #2: Supercalafragalisticespialadoshis!

Person #1: XD

Person #2: Soooooo...do you like...stuff?

Person #1: Yeah, stuff is okay...i guess

Person #2: What!? Okay!? STUFF IS FREAKING AWESOME!! HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH BLASPHEMY! *Pulls a baseball bat out of what seems to be thin air*

Person #1: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *runs around screaming then falls flat on the floor* Hi floor! Make me a sammich!


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