What is Supersize Me?
An interesting documentary where a man named Morgan Spurlock eats McDonalds meals three times a day for one month. As he does this, we see how this affects him and how he's telling all those McDonalds fans who love their favourite fast-food restaurant too much about what could happen to them.
Man: After watching Supersize Me, I think I'm going to stop eating all that McDonalds.
Morgan Spurlock's excuse to prance about in a patriotically-themed
Actually, Supersize Me was a pretty damn good documentary too.
One of the most pointless and idealistic doccumentaries of our time. Entrails some "Genius" by the name Morgan Spurlock eating 3 square meals of Mc Donalds for one month and suprise suprise he gets fat. Wow! We never could have figured that one out on our own, hey numb nuts?!
Person A: "Man supersize me is the best film ever!"
Person B: "You sicken me, get the hell out of my office!"