
What is Support?


support is aid provided to resolve an international problem or money given to resolve an international dispute

The United Nations supported the conflict in Afghanistan


a jockstrap, an atheletic supporter. Serves as a device for the protection of the genitals

Matt put the support on his crotchal area

See matt


1.) Sex (of any type)

2.) Booze

3.) Controlled Substances

Support our troops!

See life, lessons, support, head, sex, whiskey dick, sandwich, groupies, love, funny, comedy, liquor, weed, marijuana, pot, crack, coke, pussy, butt, weiner, winner, troops, army, bush


the myspace version of aids, mainly acclaimed to those with many friends.

Gerry: hey tom, how many friends you got?

Tom: 576

Gerry: well, you gotsupport.hahahahahaha

See aids, myspace, tom, friends, lots


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