
What is Swayzerized?


1. To be intoxicated to the point where neither you or your friends recognize who the hell you are.

2. Total alcoholic annihilation.

3. Wasted to the point you think you're Patrick Swayze.

Dude 1 - Man, I'm wasted!

Dude 2 - Naw man, your swayzerized!

Dude 1 - Yea man, I'm totally Patrick Swayze right now!

See fucked up, gone, wasted, swayzed, patrick swayze, drunk, hammered, intoxicated, shit-faced, smashed, trashed, sloshed, bombed, blitzed, wrecked, pissed, booze, tanked, vomit, buzzed, faded, beer, liquor, loaded, plastered, alcohol, drinking, hangover, fucked


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