What is Swift Boat Veterans For Truth?


The partisan right-wing group that launched a bellow the belt attack on John Kerry, saying that he'd betrayed his country and served as a coward in Vietnam. Aparently it's not that bad that george w. bushwas a draft dodger.

Anyone with an IQ over 70 can see through the lies of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

See republican, vietnam, w, kerry, liar


A group of fucking liars who dragged John Kerry's name through the dirt on two false accusations:

1: "John Kerry never did anything heroic in Vietnam"

Acatually, John Kerry jumped off his swiftboat during a firefight to rescue a crew member who had falled overboard. And why don't you tell me about W's heroism while AWOLfrom the Texas Air National Guard?

2: "John Kerry betrayed his country"

Oh yeah? Let me tell you this. Out of concern for the troops being killed in Vietnam, John Kerry joined Vietnam Vets Against the War. John Kerry saw his country making a mistake and said so. That is patriotism. The "my country right or wrong" attitude is ignorance on par with medeival peasants.

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth sent out it's slanderous ads without the authorization of Bush? Bullshit.

See liars, slander, underhanded, disgraceful


A brave group of Vietnam Vets who spoke out about their first-hand knowledge of John Kerry's falsified war record. They also reminded the country of Kerry's well documented traitorous acts in the early 1970's that had been conveniently buried by the mainstream press.

If not for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, that lying bastard Kerry might have been President.

See heroes, vets, patriots


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