What is Take The Browns To The Superbowl?


To take a shit, where the shit is Browns and the toliet is the SuperBowl.

Also funny because for many years the Browns have played like shit.

See also Bringing the Browns to the Super Bowl

Be right back guys, I gotta take the Browns to the SuperBowl.

See number 2, crap, poop, pinch a loaf, doody


Another word for taking a huge dump.

Larry the Cable Guy: Health Insepector:

Hold on a sec, I gotta go take the browns to the superbowl.

See dump, shit, crap, eww, face, ouch, Sypth


have a bowel movement.

I'll be right back... gotta take the browns to the superbowl.

See take a shit, drop a deuce, pinch a loaf, defecate


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