
What is Td?


Abbreviation for touchdown in the game of American football. Scored when a player carrying the ball crosses into the end zone or catches a pass while in the end zone of the opposing team. Worth 6 points on the scoreboard.

"He threw 3 TD passes in first game of the season."

"They have already scored a TD on us."

"I can't believe I missed that pass, it would have been a TD for sure if I caught it."


A popular custom game for War 3

WinterMaul is a popular TD.


1. A common abbreviaton for touchdown.

2. An abbreviation for Tower Defence, a type of game popularized by Starcraft Use Map Settings and Warcraft 3 Custom Games.

1. He's passed for 250 yards, with 3 TD passes and 2 interceptions.

2. Want to play some Warcraft?... Only if it's a TD.

See td, touchdown, touch down


this dick usually an insult

ur bout to have td in ur mouth

See td, this dick, dick, insult


Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan can dunk over shaq anytime


A person who likes minge.

TD hes pretty cool tbh

See td, muff, minge, wank, sex, poo


The formal name for a group of people that go out of their way to put other people down. The group resides in Southern California. Stay away from them! They may be able to talk a lot of shit behind the lines, but in person, they're nothing.

TD: haha wow he's so fat and ugly

Person: do you even know him?

TD: no ahah duh

See tp, dd, mean, cruel, conceited, wannabes, lolz0rz


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