What is Team Lairds?
team lairds is a group of tools who like to get real 'fucked up' smoke boags and pack lips together. They are commenly heard saying lets go to headquarters cuz im trying to pack a lip. They have also been known to do rather homosexual activities such as tanning to together and beating off to each other having sex. They also like to represent their future colleges in superfluous ways, such as commonly wearing their t shirts, and talking on the phone to their future roommates for hours. We're not sure if all members are heterosexual all though the common belief is at least 2 go both ways. You can easily identify a member, by their pink shirts, or Team Lairds jersey, they also always come equipped with a tin bulging from the pocket of their tight jeans. Team Lairds was founded in 2006 by Matty J, Rylo, K Smooch, Van Dangsta, J Bergz, the badger, J Smith, and Juan and has been at every 'cool' party since.
Team Lairds sucks it Wooo.
Boy I wish I was as cool as Team Lairds.