
What is Tenis?


A very tiny penis no larger than a pinky nail, not to be mistaken for a small chode.

Instead of sucking my dick i told her to lick her finger and blow on my erect Tenis.

See tiny, tennis, river chimp


A tiny, small, or miniscule penis.

Pronounced: Tee-nis.

"Jonathon, does your tenis hurt?"

See tenis, creptoose, glooby


A tiny, small, or miniscule penis.

Jonathon has a tenis.

See creptoose, tenis, glooby, chode



Even with a boner, that guy has a tenis

See teenis, teeny, shorty


The area between the taint and the penis.

I'd scratch my tenis, but I'm too afraid of rashing my taint.

See tanus, tagina, tussy, taint


The tip of one's penis

I got hit in the tenis


The section of the Taint closest to the Penis.

Bobby was flicking his toungue across my Tenis and I was so amazed at how much more sensitive it was than my Tainus.

See Rick James


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