The odor that a redneck gets after going for too long without bathing or
showering. Hillbillyaroma.
Cletus only bathed once a week. By Thursday he had some hideous
Tennessee cologne going on.
See tennessee, redneck, hillbilly, ged, flunk, diploma, high school, flunk out, expelled, failure, george w. bush, republican, conservative, rural, hick, hilljack, unsophisticated, cletus, white trash, trailer trash, bumpkin, welfare, unemployed, dole, food stamps, chav, fox news, rush limbaugh, republican party, right-wing, right-to-lifers, moral majority, texas, bible thumper, creationism, pat robertson, texan, texans, southern, southerner, evangelical, fundamentalism, fundamentalist christian, homophobe, neo con, neocon, confederate, rebel flag, cracker, deep south, reaganomics, southern doctor, tattoo, mullet, wigger wagon, ricer, wigger, bling, wangster