The Chair

What is The Chair?


The electric chair, created by a dentists, it is now the most popular way of state execution in the united states.

Firing squad or the chair?

See Kung-Fu Jesus


A gameshow where players anwser up to 7 questions and can win up to $250,000. This gameshow is much different then anty other gameshow because the players have to lay down in a chair while strapped to a heart-rate monitor. If the contestant gets nervous then he will lose money until he can get his heart rate under control. The funny thing is its hosted by John McEnroe and you can't keep your eye's closed or he will say "don't do that!". In the middle of the game somthing will happen that could rise you heart beat high and you must keep your cool.

Did you watch McEnroe whack tennis balls at the players in the chair?


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