The Fox

What is The Fox?


Birthday: January 23, 1932

Birth Place: Detroit, Michigan, USA

Date of death: May 10, 2000

Cause of death: prostate cancer

Also credited as:

The Fox

William "The Fox" Foster


The story of "The Fox" actually began on the Westwood campus of UCLA, where Foster was a border at a fraternity house. He got his first job performing at The Nickelodeon, a small pub at the corner of McClellan and Wilshire Blvd., and was later hired to work at the Mammoth Mountain Inn. He quickly tired of working for others, however, and decided to strike out on his own.

For more than four decades, Foster was somewhat of a local legend in barrooms across Los Angeles (at least to the crowd that first learned He was the self-proclaimed "World's Fastest Beer Drinker" -- able to guzzle a pint of brew quicker than most of us could spill it on the floor -- and a master performer of what he called "songs your mother wouldn't sing."

Foster was best known as proprietor of the Fox Inn, a popular west side tavern, from 1961 to 1989. He performed there nightly, leading his patrons in song and often challenging unsuspecting beer drinkers to chugging races. But the highlight of each night was to see Foster chug a pint of beer while standing on his head.

It wasn't long before Foster's combination of naughty lymrics and stupid human tricks began turning heads in Hollywood. Although his act was sometimes considered too outrageous for primetime, he became a frequent guest star on local and national television programs, including The Jeffersons, Taxi, The Mike Douglas Show and Thicke of The Night.

Foster briefly faded from the public eye in the late '90s, but discovered a whole new audience on cable television. In the summer of 1999, he combined the duties of emcee, house band and sidekick to stars Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel on Comedy Central's top-rated hit, The Man Show, Where He is Credited as the Creator of The Man Show Toast, also known as Ziggy Zahgee.

He Sadly Passed Away on May 10th 2000, of Prostrate Cancer. He will Be Very Sadly missed.

And Fox? Wherever you are, We are still hoisting a Beer and Giving a cheer for you every time. We miss you, buddy.

In honor of the Fox, One more time now.

Ziggy Zahgee, Ziggy Zahgee, Hoy hoy hoy!

Ziggy Zahgee, Ziggy Zahgee, Hoy hoy hoy!

Ziggy Zahgee, Ziggy Zahgee, Hoy hoy hoy!

*Chug your beers!*


The person designated at certain elite boarding schools to provide the campus with drugs. Although others may obtain them on their own, the Fox is the official dealer. The Fox is always a senior, and he 'trains' a junior on how to be the next year's Fox. Although some faculty, particularly those who attended the school, know of the Fox, and may even know his or her identity, they understand this tradition and turn a blind eye. The identity of the Fox is also widely known amongst the student body, but somehow it never gets leaked out to most dissapproving faculty members.

"Hey I need some serious shit"

"Dude, go to the Fox."

See drug dealer, boarding school, prep school, drugs


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