What is The Future Kings Of Nowhere?


A band that almost nobody knows of, despite the fact that they are so incredibly talented.

I strongly suggest you go look them up on Myspace. There is a good chance you will like them. The singer has a beautiful voice, they use a variety of instruments, and their lyrics are always original, witty, and refreshing.

Person A: Hey, have you heard of The Future Kings of Nowhere?

Person B: Um...no.

Person A: Oh right, I am one of the like...five people who actually know about them. Everyone knows about the talent-less losers like Hannah Montana and (Insert Name of famous Rap/Pop/Hip-Hop singer here), but pays no attention to true talent. *Sigh*

Person B: Um...kay...I'm going to go stand over there now.

See the, future, kings, of, nowhere, myspace, music, good, great, incredible, indie, rock, genre


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