The Helen Keller

What is The Helen Keller?


When someone doesn't talk but uses their body to show what they want. To let one's body do the talking or to dance.

Song: Shush girl, shut your mouth. Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.

See 3oh!3, dancing, body, hips


When a girl is giving a guy a blowjob, the guy puts both of his hands over her ears and pulls her as far onto his cock as possible (this works best with a guy who has a large bush and doesn't manscape). Then she can't hear anything, can't see anything, and essentially cannot speak coherently.

Yao gave Kari The Helen Keller and she couldn't see when Adam came in the room to watch.

See fist press, rusty tuna, pterodactyl, hot lunch, gina


While getting a blow job, blind fold your women, then plug both her ears. While your penis is still in her mouth have her say "water" and listen to the sweet music come out of her mouth, if you can understand her.

I gave your mom the helen keller, and apparently she wants some "wah-wah?"

See helen, keller, blow, job


A sexual manuever. You straddle your girl friend while she is giving you a blow job, when you are about to cum you stick your entire ball sac in her mouth, shoot your load in her eyes and then stick your fingers in her ears temporarily leaving her deaf, dumb and blind...hence The Helen Keller.

I was hanging out with my girl friend last night and gave her the "The Helen Keller" she was not pleased Dude...I've got to go get her some eyes drops, she says they're still burning...

See blow job, facial, helen, head


When a you are having sex with a girl from behind and you tap her on the shoulder; when she turns her head to look you shoot a wad of jizz in her ear and then punch her in the eye. (Thereby leaving her deaf and blind—but only in one ear and one eye.)

You: Sarah, what's up with the black eye?

Sarah: I got The Helen Keller last night.

See donkey punch, sex, dirty sanchez, cleaveland steamer, rusty trombone


A sex act in which you jizz into your partner's eyes (both of them) then shit in both of their ears, thereby making them deaf and blind.

I gave my girlfriend the helen keller the other night, she was so pissed, but it was worth it.

See sex act, lemons, autism


This sexual maneuver can be achieved to finish off a blow job. All the guy has to do is remove his penis from the mouth, ejaculate in the eyes, and clap the girl on the sides of the head forcefully.

Johnny didn't know how to tell Stacey how they're relationship was over. So he just gave her the Helen Keller.

See sex, sexual, maneuver, finisher, fatality, blow, job, bj


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