The Hitler Channel

What is The Hitler Channel?


A disparaging name for The History Channel. It comes from that channel's propensity for showing WWII or Hitler related documentaries.

"I saw this show about Lincoln on the History Channel"

"You mean the Hitler Channel?"

See hitler, history, tv, television, cable


Sometimes the TLC or the History Channel will have World War 2 marathon weekend or have sizable block of time during the day devoted to WW2. When that happens, there is usually a ton of stuff on Hitler or Hitler related topics. The History Channel then turns into the Hitler Channel.

I was watching the History channel and they had a ton of crap on World War 2 and Adolf Hitler. There times I feel like they should call TLC the Hitler Channel.


Sometimes the THC or the History Channel will have World War 2 marathon weekend or have sizable block of time during the day devoted to WW2. When that happens, there is usually a ton of stuff on Hitler or Hitler related topics. The History Channel then turns into the Hitler Channel.

I was watching the History channel and they had a ton of crap on World War 2 and Adolf Hitler. There times I feel like they should call THC the Hitler Channel.


BBC - Once a beacon of democracy and western culture, now another tool of Post-Nazi faschist propoganda.

BBC: Today's weather is *sieg heil!* around 83 degrees, *you are slaves to the capitalist hordes!* with a slight chance of clouds *the Jews control everything!* Some rain is expected *all hail der Fuhrer!* with a slight chance of chill *burn the infidels!*. Also today, Jennifer Aniston has queefed around 4.55 PM - this shocking story and more later on this evening's News Hour with Jim Lehrer. BBC news, have a nice day and Heil Hitler *Good-bye*. ...Wait did I just say...


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