What is The United Holy Church Of Santa?


A religion that meets on Thursdays.

~Church Rules~

You have to have a cat to be a member of this church.

For communion there's eggnog and Christmas cookies.

The Twilight books (by Stephenie Meyer)are the Holy Books.

You will be burnt at the stake if you own a

dog or anything besides cats.

You MUST own a Dane Cook shirt.

Sarah: Do you own a dog?

Random person: Yea, why?

Sarah: It's going to hell along with the birds and the scorpions.

Random person: Umm...OKAY

Sarah: Merry Christmas from The United Holy Church of Santa!!!! *twitch twitch*

Random persom: What the @%^# *walks away wondering if she has tourettes or something*

See cats, christmas, santa, twilight, dane cook


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