The Wall

What is The Wall?


A great album by the rock band Pink Floyd. The Wall has many great songs such as "Young Lust", "Hey You", "Comfortably Numb", and many other memorable tunes. The Wall was released in 1979, but it sounds fresh, even today!

In my opinion, Pink Floyd's "The Wall" is the last great Floyd album.

See Qbert


The Wall is a puzzle-esque rock opera by Pink Floyd. The story follows the rise and fall of Pink Floyd, a rocker who finds that fame is not everything. Set during WWII, the lyrics are both enchanting, haunting and frightening. The album includes much symbolism. Who are The Worms? What is The Wall? What role does Mother play? What does Pink mean by, "Goodbye, cruel world/I'm leaving you today"? What is The Trial? Questions like these are things you should keep in mind. Do not try to listen to The Wall in one sitting. You will not get it. If you want to extract the full meaning of the music, listen to each song and think about it. Listen hard to the background noises, the actual lyrics, and the change of voice pitch and emotion.

Figure out The Wall. You'll be surprised.

My 7th grade music teacher made us do a project on The Wall. One of the best albums ever.


what dale earnhardt ran into

What do dale earnhardt and pink floyd have in common?

- there last hit was the wall


a freaking sweet rock album and the movie was sweet two both of them where from Pink Floyd

the wall kicked all the ass it was a sweet album


1)another way to referer to Wallgreens pharmacy, the term was coined by the godlike hysterical comedian Dane Cook.

2)also a kickass Pink Floyd album

"What is it about The Wall that just makes you want to steal?"

See wallgreens, wall, pharmacy


The area of Urban Dictionary that people spam, write profanity on and write racist statements on as well as insult other countries such as Canada, Englandand, yes, the United States.

I tried to make an intelligent remark on the wall but everyone called me a crackerand made sure to state how much America sucks.

See chaos, racism, profanity, spam, mess


n. Feeling often felt by runners during a bad race. Basically, what happens is your brain says "go faster" but your legs say "fuck you". Though invisible, this object is very real.

During the last 300 meters, I just hit the wall.

See running, runners, race, cross country, track and field, marathon


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