
What is Thedevilf?


No, you're a frickin noob. And you're not very bright, at all

George W. Bush and Jessica Simpson


im pride! no hate! cmon! gay-straight alliance yall!

Thedevilf is a kid named FArrukh Mukhtar who is a gay and proud of it.


a gay ass bastard who acts liek a nigga. if he was a nigga, he would be a disgrace to all niggas

Thedevilf is a gay retard.


Derived from the pakistani language as the worst word in the pakistani language. It is considered an insult to be called a thedevilf.

thedevilf - A synonym for the slang word "mother fucker". Also used in various other situations to curse out anyone at any time to hurt someone for any reason.

2.) Stinky feces

3.) Fatherless, or "bastard baby".

Hey you stinky thedevilf, lick my shoes you muthar fukkarr.


The most cunning and brave person in the world. He is the best of the best and everybody looks up to him. He is the one and only...Thedevilf

Greatest legend alive. Bluegoop bows down to thedevilf.

See thedevilf


User at Bluegoop who thinks he's qualified for a moderator position. In reality, every one looks down upon the newb. It's a must for him to be the top shouter of the vbulletin shoutbox leaderboard.

And thats why Im a classic around here at BG. Hear me all you New to Bluegoop. I am your superior. Well not really. I am not an SMOD MOD ADMIN. I am a member/legend. I cant beleive you remember that Conversation Core, I mean it wasnt a big deal to you. And Alias...ease some comments about my last post. OH yea, btw, Jushiko, where did the mysterious link lead to anyways.

Ahhh its good to be me....Warning fr-.....Oh I mean can-t-t re-m-m-eem-bb--er.


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