What is Thread Killer?
One that posts the final response to a post on a newsgroup, composed of an initial post about a topic and all responses to it.
Johnny once again became the thread killer as no one had a response to his irrelevant, off topic comment, befoere it was archived
1. Someone who makes the last post in a forum
2. A
3. A person in a forum that is notorious for getting threads locked by the mods.
1. Nobody knows how to respond to bashturn's brilliant stupidity, so he is often a thread killer.
2. JPKeates usually explains why a thread must end with a great last post. He is a very accomplished thread killer.
3. CJ and Dug are thread killers, six threads got
locked today because of their off topic ramblings.
One who posts in a very popular thread on a message board, and then kills it. It will stay 'dead' from 20 minutes to a week, then the thread is fucked, and has no chance of become a great thread again. Just like a pron star that had testy cancer.
new post made by 'FolksyChipmunk' at: 2:34 AM June 24, 2001
currant date and time: 7:58 PM April 23, 2006
therefor he is a 'thread killer'