What is Thumb Down?
what all the idiots give me on this website.
idiot: hey that definition of that word is so true and im jealous, i just cant define a word sooo good like that. im gonnna have to give him a thumb down just to be a little bitch about it.
1. Verb - to make someone feel sad by
2. Noun: a sad, loser, nerdy type who even his own Mum struggles to love.
Mum: You look a bit glum today, petal.
Geeky Kid: Yeah - I added 17 definitions to urban dicitionary dot com and some
yorick went and thumb down every one.
Mum: Sometimes I just don't understand what you're saying.
Geeky Kid: (stressing, stomping out of room) See - even you got me as a thumb down!