What is Thunder Bastard Poverty Sicles?


n. Warm weather snack, highly efficient anti-boredom tool.

Take one of the ready-mixed packages of Kool-Aidlemonade and sink the entire package in a pitcher of water. The higher concentration, the better. After all the Kool-Aiddissolves, get a bottle of lemon juice concentrate. Add as much as you feel like, a lot or a little, it really doesn't matter. After you stir that in for awhile, pour the mix into an icecube tray, cover it in saran wrap, and put toothpicks in each one, making poverty sicles. The end result will be a sickeningly sweet lemonade popsicle.

However, you don't have to use lemonade mix, or even the ready-made Kool-aidpackages. You can use any flavor, just so long as you get the sugar right (or wrong, depending). I recommend a minimum of 10 packets if you're going to go that route, then fill the pitcher about halfway and add as much sugar as the water will hold. Test, correct where needed.

Tyler drew the short straw and had to test the first batch of Thunder Bastard Poverty Sicles. He took one lick and about went into sugar shock.


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