
What is T.i.a.?


means This Is Africa made famous in south africa

War and diamonds, T.I.A. son

See africa, war, son


Acronym for "Typical Ignorant American". Said person covers thier house, car and property with United States flags and yellow ribbons. Although this person is generally a decent, hardworking individual, they are sadly fooled into believing that thier elected officials really care about them and always tell the truth. They generally refuse to open thier minds to the possiblity that maybe U.S. soldiers are dying to protect U.S. corporate interests, NOT expanding freedom or searching for WMD's. Because of thier inability to think for themselves, they instead insult and belittle those who are not warmongers.

93% of this country is filled with T.I.A.'s. And the masses will continue to be sacrificed on the "alter of freedom" like cattle being led into a slaughterhouse. All this is done so Chevron's profits soar. Congrats, America! We have sold the lives of our sons and daughters so we can gas up our SUV's and eat our Big Mac's.


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