
What is Torrie?


she is the the biggest bad ass around but she is cool as fuck she is evil just like me and can be trusted with anything im pretty sure she has been through everthing already

my best friend

See Helen


see torana


A really long skirt style that you want to cut off with an axe. The skirts are commonly parralelled with Pentecostal dress code and are unpopular with New Orleans citizens. This style is usually acquired at church camp along with several country boys.

She wears Torrie skirts everyday, but gives great massages. Don't get the skirt dirty, it's hard to wash that much cloth in the washer!!

See pentecostal, darcy, bible thumper, dustin, torrid


A Fat Nasty Skank That Sucks Too Much Penis

And Takes It Up The Ass More Then Anything.

You Usually See Them Wearing More Makeup Then A Clown

And Uglier Clothes Then A Hobo.

If You Are Torrie You Are A Slut

Kill Yourself Now.

See fat, nasty, dirty, fishy, skank


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