
What is Tostitos?


a cool chip

that get's eaten

but is still mad cool!

oohh my god! i love hat tostitos!

See chips, bag, bowl, toast, cool


A common phrase used when having intercourse with a shy person. Chip makes the term "penis" sound more appealing..especially hwe soemone is raping another and jsut responds "DONT YOU WANT SOME MOTEHRFUCKING CHIPS BITCH" and then proceeds to scream random colors...

Person 1: Want some tostitos?

Person 2: hell yes.

Person 3: I just want penis..

Person 2 and 1: you're lame.

'like, i was just expecting soem salsa and bean dip, but then i tasted it and aws like, "maybe this is really is sex. i felt so deflowered."

See dick, rectum, genitals, balls, rocks, gems


A very functional way of scooping a baby out of a bowl.

JC: How do you get a baby into a bowl?


JC: You put it into a blender. How do you get it out?


See tostito, tostitos, chips, baby, blender, salsa


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