What is Totally Drunk Slut Wannabe?


A girl who fakes drinking pretends like she is drinking when no one is looking so she has an excuse to get on more than one guy every night.

Jackie is a totally drunk slut wannabe of Mariah who doesnt drink, but pretends she is wasted out of her mind at parties so she has an excuse to act "drunk" and hook up with more than one guy.

See whorebag, slut, chickenhead, hoe, hoebag, skank, cunt


A girl who fakes drinking pretends like she is drinking when no one is looking so she has an excuse to get on more than one guy every night.

Jackie is a totally drunk slut wannabe of Mariah who doesnt drink, but pretends she is wasted out of her mind at parties so she has an excuse to act "drunk" and hook up with more than one guy.

See whorebag, slut, chickenhead, hoe, hoebag, skank, cunt


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