Tower Hill

What is Tower Hill?


Delaware's old money and rich nerds school.

Tower Hill Kid: I love discussing string theory with friends while playing squash. Did you know my mother's maiden name was du Pont?

See delaware, private school, old money, nerds, dupont


Tower Hill is a private snobby ass school with about 4 black kids, maybe 5 asians, and about 670 white kids. They have a very strict dress code for their kids- the high schooler have to wear "Moo Moos"( large oversized t shirts) to cover any offending body part: shoulders, ankles, etc. Not known for its hot guys, most of the girls turn to the nearby school Tatnall for their hot and heavy love sessions. A tower hill evening would consist of 1) Alchohol, and lots of it...these kids be gangsta 2) a few porsches

3) maybe a house party of too like freshman billy (the little punk didnt even get in trouble for trashing his house)

4) Tatnall boys, god knows TH boys arent worth the time, even when ur shitfaced

one moo moo was once given for less than an inch of midriff. Tower Hill just cannot handle their students rockin bods.


Very small co-educational private school founded in 1919 located off of Pennsylvania Avenue in Wilmington, DE. Selective enrollment includes prekindergarten through grade 12. Notorious for it's stellar female athletic program, noteably it's field hockeyteam, which holds the national record for state championship titles, 14. Hillers all look alike, due to the school's incredibly strict dress code, with everyone dressing in the same Banana Republic, Abercrombie or J.Crew apparel.

Tower Hill = field hockey = hierarchical society in which these female athletes are given celebrity status. All the little girls want to be them while the rest of the school broods over their misfortune of choosing the wrong sport to play in middle school or being born a male.

See anonymous


A private co-ed school that finds enjoyment in supporting their butchfield hockey team. The kids love trying to figure out new ways to critisize people but finally realize their family is so unbelievably full of themselves that they are inbred..oh, shucks..guess you really cant think... The feild hockey team is not only known for being extremely successful but also for posting on Urban Dictionary about themselves! Real neat, Helga!

Jim: Remeber that hot Tower Hill field hockey player...

Jack: haha...good one, Jim.

See towerhill, tower, hiller


Founded in 1919, Tower Hill is the conservative school which is superior to Tatnall. We trounce Tatnall in many sectors. Our students cut themselves at a rate which Tatnall cannot compete. All of our girls sport personalities which no rich Catholic school can contest. The also sport the latest clothing from top prep brands such as Polo, Abercrombie, J. Crew, Lilly, and others. If someone asks you "Do you know who my father is," there is an 94.5% chance they are from Tower Hill School.

Tower Hill is leading producer of obnoxious graduates.


An extremely snobby school known for their dominating field hockey team. While most of their sports teams are above average, they're not as strong as field hockey, but it's okay because their academics far surpass any other school's in the area. They tend to get highly intoxicated before any school function, though rarely make as much mess as the tatnall kids. While many say the school is known for cutting, those who did so ended up at A.I. Suprise suprise. Although most of the guys are severely lacking in good genes, they're better than most of the boys at any of the other schools. Even the skinny bitches at tower hill can beat up those girls on the tatnall football team. Sure they drive nice cars, but that's no reason to hate them - in fact try to be nice to them and maybe they'll give you a lift when your '84 honda breaks down. If you read a definition that is discrediting the school and has multiple spelling errors, the person who wrote it obviously doesn't go to tower hill. Tatnall still hasn't grasped the concept theres a difference between "your" and "you're" and "too" and "to". So if you're bitching about tower hill while popping your multi-layered polo collars, never beating anyone in any sport, and using 3rd grade grammar - you go to tatnall.

"Tatnall makes Tower Hill look fun."

See tower hill, tower, hiller, tigers


Is a place in London with Historical importance where people poor or important got hung. They probably had king kong balls bigger than Tatnall or Tower Hill and were beautiful metaphysically but physically covered in pox. Although many of them lived in Middle Aged England they were aware that the world was square and they hadn't found America - as they didn't know it was there. However they were aware of the Golden Horde and all the Lucky Charms they might bring. Not being aware of Luther playing at Quarter Back with Zwingli as wide receiver meant they lost their Oats in America. Whilst trying to tell the Oats Steelers that consensus was not a United Nuts based cereal and that diverse Nuts could be cultivated outside of their small eco systems - a schism occurred. Everafter their lack of humiltiy and diversity has condemned them to MTV control.

tower hill, historical, tower hill, England, Lucky Charms

See tatnall, historical, tower, england, lucky


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