Tre Bomb

What is Tre Bomb?


A 360 kickflip that is landed cleanly and stomped. A tre flip is a 360 pop-shuvit with a kickflip. See Mike-Mo's Fully Flared part on youtube for an example of a tre bomb. A tre bomb can also be a tre flip down a steep hill such as the ones in san francisco.

Dude! Bobby threw down a tre bomb the other day! or I beat Glen in a game of skate because i threw down the best tre bomb ever!

See skating, tre flip, 360 flip, buttery, stomp, bolts


a commonly used slag for skateboard trick that involves and 360 degree turn of the skateboard and a kickflick at the same time

andy bomarchais did da best tre bomb down the 12

See tony yayo


to make a three pointer, to hit the three

sam gross: sammy g can hit the tre bomb all day long, doc tres doc tres"

See sam, gross, doc, tres, tre, bomb


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